New mothers

There is nothing as peaceful as a baby sleeping soundly and safely. And the better, safer and longer the baby sleeps, the greater the chance that the new mother can also get the sleep she needs. As with all other people, it is the sleep hormone melatonin that plays a decisive role in the sleep quality of the baby's mother and the baby.


When the baby's mother gets up at night to change or nurse her baby, she turns on a light to see. What she doesn't think about is that artificial lighting inhibits melatonin production. This means that she may have problems falling asleep when she needs to continue sleeping.

If this pattern is repeated more than once during the night, it can stop melatonin production altogether. The following evening, the mother finds it difficult to sleep because the secretion of melatonin has been disturbed and does not occur at the normal time.

Just as melatonin production in the baby's mother regulates her sleep, the same melatonin production helps regulate the baby's sleep quality, as melatonin is also present in breast milk. The amount of melatonin in breast milk varies during the day and night in line with the amount of melatonin in the mother's blood.

It is a fact that the pineal gland only produces melatonin when you are surrounded by darkness. Before the introduction of electric lighting, people were surrounded by darkness for an average of 12 hours a day. Nowadays, most of us are lucky if we are surrounded by darkness for 7-8 hours a day. For a baby's mother, melatonin production can easily drop to 4-5 hours a day. This means that the period of time in which the blood contains melatonin is short.

Melatonin levels in babies level off around the third month after birth, with the highest levels measured between midnight and 8 a.m.

It is recognised that, by blocking the blue light in the light spectrum, you can continue to produce melatonin, even if you are surrounded by bright light.

New mothers and sleep glasses
By wearing sleep glasses, which precisely filter out all the blue light, the baby's mother can cuddle and nurse the baby without disturbing her production of melatonin. This will make it easier for her to fall asleep again afterwards - and keep her circadian rhythm intact.

Sleep glasses can make both babies, their mothers - and their fathers - sleep better. With the help of sleep glasses, the breastfeeding mother can ensure that she is giving milk with a high content of melatonin to her baby. In this way, via the melatonin from the mother's milk, the baby is helped to fall asleep more easily and sleep well at night.

The baby's mother should ensure that the time her body produces melatonin lasts approximately 9-10 hours a day. She does this by wearing sleep glasses for 1-2 hours before bed and stays in the dark during sleep, so she can achieve a total of melatonin production in the normal 9-10-hours range. It is important that she is not exposed to white light during the night when she is changing or nursing her baby. In those cases, she can simply put the sleep glasses back on or use night lighting, which does not emit the blue light in the light spectrum.

Research regarding new mothers

Below are a number of summaries/abstracts of scientific trials dealing with melatonin and light. The abstracts originate from medical records (copyright).